The following quotes are taken from some of the early signatories on the 'Queensland Government: Please stop allowing commercial ‘ghost hunts’ in places where deaths in custody took place' petition.
Kingsley Pocock
I think this is a gross invasion by a money hungry so called entrepeneaur who is desecrating this place. I served at the road for 4 years and never, never saw or heard a ghost'
Brian Black
As a former First Class Prison Officer at HM Prison Brisbane I am concerned about how the history of an important part of Queensland is being handeled. This may be lost if not processed correctly. First there are no ghosts, anywhere. Although there may have been some vile mean evil people serving time in Number Two Devision they were humans and when one of them died by whatever means it did effect all in there both inmates and staff. We former officers are getting older and our experiences and memories may be just going to dissapear. These so called 'Ghost Tours' are nothing but mockery of people who were once living and they are being treated with disrspect. This is purely in the cause of profit. To have people look for something on false emotional terms because someone has died or taken their own life is a discrase. Get the facts and revive the truth and the history of Number Two Devision.
Stephen M Gage
This is a disgraceful and disrespectful attitude from a Government Department that is hellbent on destroying the Historical value of Boggo Road Gaol
Michael Flannery
Anne Warner
Deaths in custody ought not be remembered as some kind of fun game. Before we get accused of being "killjoys" just consider the fact that deaths in custody still happen and they are no joke. People are placed in intolerable circumstances and are found dead for one reason or another. If the Government continues it's inhumane strategy of mandating solitary confinement for certain prisoners then watch the death in custody figures increase. Again this is no joke no occasion for ghoulish behaviour.
Ronald Bulmer
Respect should be shown to the dead
Sonya Pearce
This is disrespectful pure and simple.
Bernice Free
Father was Dep Super there for many years
Neville Buch
Respectful history is important for the mental health in the society. Credible historians with training in the discipline don't turn persons from the past into ghosts.
Kerry Guinea
I worked for Corrections for over 39 years, 10 of which was at Boggo Road. Making fun (and money)out of the misfortunes of those who had their lives ruined in there is noe on as far as I am concerned!
Leeann Crawford
Let the dead RIP have some compassion for relatives and friends.
Robert Johnstone
As a former inmate and having been in the Gaol from 1965 until 1967 during which time suicided in F wing and one Prison Officer was murdered (Mr Bernard Ralph ) Also two other prisoners I knew died while in Boggo Road one suicided and the other from Pnuemonia. I feel a sense of outrage that people who have no idea what it was like to be in Goal are allowed to roam through the prison without any consideration for the people who died there.
James Atherton
Our work there was serious, and should not be cheapened and made a mockery of.
Greg Beaumont
Because it is wrong and someone just out to make money
Gabrielle Ricketts
Ghost hunts being held in an area where Indigenous deaths in custody have taken place is disrespectful. And on the whole in very bad taste!
Glenda Masson
This is an inappropriate activity for the significant historical Boggo Road Goal.
Bruce Atkinson
This has been a long drawn issue in the way the Gaol is managed. Certainly this idea of a ghost hunt is totally disrespectful and makes a mockery of the whole thing. Let the Gaol be non profit making and a historic experience for all. Please review this and let the Boggo Road Historical Society have open access to the Gaol for a proper plan.
Lee Blume
Boggo Road Gaol is an historical site and should not host a commercial venture for profit to any one person or company.
Margaret Dakin
I want Boggo Road to be preserved as an historical site, not as a commercial venture for thrill seekers
Rob Pensalfini
While 'ghost-hunts' may seem like an innocent frivolous bit of fun, to hold them in a place that has been marred by deaths, some under questionable circumstances, including aboriginal deaths in custody, murders by guards and prisoners, and suicides is disrespectful in the extreme to the memories and families of those who died under these conditions.
Maureen Young
Deaths in custody are a significant part of Queensland's dark history. They should not be made light of and commercialised because it is disrespectful to those that died and those that remember them.